Copyright (c) Dustin Nulf and Tom Hazel (Development in Progress) All Rights Reserved {Pneumonia } Pneumonia: ~~~~~~~~~ Inflammation or infection of the alveoli of the lungs of varying degrees of severity and caused by any of a number of agents, such as bacteria or viruses. {Malaria } Malaria: ~~~~~~~ An infectious disease , generally intermittent and recurrent, caused by any of various protozoans that are parasitic in the red blood corpuscles. It is characterized by severe chills and fever and is often transmitted near swampy areas. {Yellow Fever } Yellow Fever: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ An acute, infectious tropical disease caused by a virus transmitted by the bite of a yellow fever mosquito and characterized by fever, jaundice, and vomiting, etc. {Hydrocism } Hydrocism: ~~~~~~~~~ An organism that lives inside a human's stomach and feeds off of the water cells of the body: causes dehydration, increased need for in body fluids, and disillusionment. {Staph } Staphylococcus: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any of a genus of spherical, Gram-positive bacteria that generally occur in irregular clusters or short chains: the pathogenic species are the cause of pus formation in boils, abscesses, etc. {Rabies } Rabies: ~~~~~~ An infectious virus disease of the central nervous system in mammals: it can be transmitted to man through the bite of an infected dog or other animal and is characterized by choking, convulsions, inability to swallow liquids, etc. {Polio } Poliomyelitis: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An acute infectious disease caused by a virus inflammation of the grey matter of the spinal cord: it is accompanied by paralysis of various muscle groups that sometimes atrophy, often with resulting permanent deformities. {Black Plague } Black Plague: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A contagious disease caused by a bacterium and characterized by buboes (an inflamed swelling of a lymph gland), fever, prostration, and delirium. {Delyria} Delyria: ~~~~~~~ Mainly caused from a parasite feeding off a host's medulla and injecting a small dosage of poliomyelitis into the spinal cord. The host experiences loss of direction and timing. {end.}